These are my thoughts on chapter two:
I agree with her Foundational Principals of Guided Math. I found the principal "Learning Math is a Social Process" is so on target with how I teach! I strongly believe that children learn more when they are able to discuss and process with their classmates. My students are always involved in interactive structures that allows them to discuss and process with classmates.
As fars a building a classroom that shows math is important.....well I don't think I do such a good job. As Sammons says, we do a great job of making our classrooms literacy rich - but not rich in math. That is a spot I will be working on for the fall. As I think of my room.....I need a great deal more math on the walls.
I loved her ideas of infusing the math into all getting out measurement tools to show exactly how tall a character is - if the story talks about that. That visualization piece is so important in reading....but I never really think about using math to help them visualize!! Maybe that comes naturally to some of you.....but not me :)
The emphasis on organization is a point that I worry about. No matter how organized I am the first day of falls apart within a month or so. This will be the year that I work harder on staying organized! If anyone has any suggestions...I am open!! Please post and let me know what works for you!
I have a question for everyone.....How do you feel about the Common Core Standards? Have you started using them? Do you feel Guided Math will help you better implement the CCS?
I am including another Quiz, Quiz Trade for you! If you don't know how to play it see my earlier post that describes it. This one is for math - the "Social" part of math :) Just click the link below!!